Feature: Five Bishops Immigration (sidebar)
What can we as Christians do about the crisis at the border? Here’s a helpful list:
1. Pray. Take the “40 Days of Scripture and Prayer on Immigration” challenge.
2. Deliver belts, shoelaces and other useful items of clothing to our Conference office, 5215 Main Street Houston, Texas 77002. These are items that are taken away from immigrants at the border. We will be making a delivery in late July, 2019.
3. Create a Join a Rapid Response Team (RRT) for updates on immediate actions. Visit the Center for Missional Excellence website for more information.
4. Work with Texas Impact on its Courts & Ports: Faithful Witness on the Texas-Mexico Border projects. For more information, click here.
5. Schedule a mission experience for your church in the Rio Grande Valley. Again, contact the Center for Missional Excellence website for more information.
6. Invite Rev. Scott Moore make a presentation at your church on UMC Immigration Advocacy. Here’s his contact information (scroll down some).
7. Support your nearest chapter of Justice For Our Neighbors (JFON). Here’s the Houston-area chapter; here’s the East Texas chapter.
8. Consider Becoming an “Immigrant Welcoming Community” through UMC’s General Board of Church and Society. For more information, click here.