Our Vision, Mission, Strategic Plan

The Assistant to the Bishop serves as the Chief of Staff for the Texas Annual Conference Staff, organizes the work of the Annual Conference Sessions, and provides staff support and leadership in the Conference Leadership Team, Annual Conference Committee on Nominations, the Annual Conference Planning Team, The Missions Team, and the Church & Society Team. The Assistant to the Bishop also represents the Texas Annual Conference on boards at Houston Methodist Hospital, Methodist Retirement Communities,  and Lakeview Methodist Camping and Conference Center. The Assistant to the Bishop serves on both the Appointive Cabinet and the Extended Cabinet. The Assistant to the Bishop is one of three directors (along with the Director of The Center for Leadership Formation and the Director of the Center for Connectional Resources) who meets with the Bishop monthly to assess vision implementation and discuss current events and issues impacting the ministry of the Texas Annual Conference. Staff members related to communications, disaster readiness, We Love All God’s Children, and the Church and Community Health Initiatives report to the Assistant to the Bishop.

Quadrennial Nominations Process

Here you will find several resources designed to provide clarity as to our Conference Rules, our Nominations Process, list of Current Leaders, Ministry Descriptions, and a link to the Nominations Interest Profile, to express your interest in leadership. We look forward to you prayerfully considering where your gifts might serve the conference.

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