The Texas Annual Conference is devoted to helping congregations step into the future and rise to meet God’s calling. The new Ministry Specialist Initiative (MSI) reflects that commitment, empowering churches with experts and the tools needed for success.
With the MSI, the local church will be in the driver’s seat. Clergy or a congregational leader, with the help of the District Superintendent, will assess their own needs for improvement. After assessing the churches goals and needs, the congregation is then matched with a specialist to assist them through the journey.
There are 64 categories, each matches one of the Conference values, practices or areas of focus.
The cost of the first consultation, or “engagement,” with the Ministry Specialist is covered by the Conference. The remaining expenses will vary depending on the congregation’s needs and the expert involved, each project will be different.
The first engagement may be virtual, in person at the church or at the specialist’s office. After the first session, there is evaluation to ensure that the specialist is the right fit for the church. If not, adjustments will be made to continue to move forward.
If the pairing is successful, the process will continue, covenant will be signed, and the work begins. After one area is addressed, churches may reapply and seek specialists for another concern.
We already have over 135 qualified specialists and more specialists will be added. We encourage you to apply online. We are looking for people both clergy and laity inside and outside the TAC.
The MSI is a vast resource for churches, providing expertise to take them to a whole new level and help them better serve God’s kingdom.

Click Here to learn more about the MSI Process 

Areas of Specialists

Our Core Values