What Would Mama Wesley Do?
By: Sherri Gragg
Let’s celebrate Mother’s Day by asking ourselves, “What would Mama Wesley Do?”
“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out.” – Erma Bombeck
Motherhood is not for wimps. It is both like running a marathon and riding a roller coaster- Grueling and rewarding. Pure joy and absolute terror. Most moms would admit to moments, days…years, when they wish they could crawl into a “nice safe playpen” and come out again after the storm has passed.
Susannah Wesley must have had at least a few moments like that. Not only was she the “Mother of Methodism” she had 19 kids, including UMC founders John and Charles Wesley. Fortunately, she left a wealth of wisdom for us. So, the next time you are tempted to head for your “playpen,” instead ask yourself, “What would Mama Wesley do?”
Susannah Wesley’s Ten Best House Rules
Because no mom looks good covered in Robitussin-
Because praise is powerful-
Because nobody likes a liar-
Because good families are built on mutual respect-
Because a tired child is a cranky child-
Because if mama cooks, they better eat it-
Because we all need grace-
Because we are made by and for a loving God-
Because self-control is important-
And, lastly, because nobody likes a whiner-