Back to School: Free Resources for Churches, Free Backpacks for Children


By Shannon W. Martin


With the end of summer right around the corner, families across the TAC are already beginning to think about their children going back to school. But for families who are low income, this can be a dreaded time of year, with school supplies costing anywhere from $200 to $375 annually.


So, the TAC is coming alongside churches to provide communications resources for a Back-to-School Sunday, including free graphics, social media posts, the Bishop’s prayer, and other ideas. The resources can be found at the end of this story.


“There were countless encouraging stories that came out of last years’ Back-to-School Sunday,” said the Rev. Jill Daniel, Director of We Love all God’s Children. Churches across the conference collected thousands of items including school supplies and backpacks, praying over them after their Sunday service before distributing them to low income children.


This year’s suggested Conference-wide Back to School Sunday is August 18, 2019. However, since every school has a different start date, pastors may want to adjust accordingly.


Churches Giving Away Backpacks

“This is an extraordinary way for the church to be the hands and feet of Christ to the children across the Texas Annual Conference, specifically for those children who do not have access to the very basics of educational resources like school supplies,” says Bishop Scott J. Jones.


As a part of Back-to-School Sunday and school supply drive, Bishop Jones encourages TAC pastors to consider inviting teachers, school administrators and students for a time of prayer or a “blessing of the backpacks” before distributing supplies.


What is a Blessing of the Backpacks?


I am proud of what the Texas Annual Conference churches are doing in the area of education with children,” says Jones. “We are unleashing positive change in the lives of young children that, who knows, may help them become tomorrow’s faith leaders.”


Graphics for Back to School Sunday

Social Media Posts for Back to School Sunday

Bishop Jones’ Prayer

Other ideas
