The Center for Leadership Formation, through the Clergy Leadership Team, will assist local pastors, deacons, and elders in living out their call to represent Jesus Christ by helping them demonstrate accountability to God, the covenant shared among clergy, and the Annual Conference. A vital part of this accountability is the Clergy Assessment Process followed in the Annual Conference.
Clergy Appointed to a Local Church:
- Clergy Self-Assessment
Paragraph 427.2 of The Book of Discipline, 2006 states in part:
Pastors – The district superintendent annually shall develop with the pastor profiles reflecting the pastor’s gifts, evidence of God’s grace, professional experience and expectations, and also the needs and concerns of the pastor’s spouse and family. These profiles shall be reviewed annually and updated when appropriate.
As an exploration of that paragraph, each year all clergy appointed to the local church in the Texas Annual Conference are expected to review the working definition of clergy effectiveness (see link below); spend time reflecting on their ministry; and complete a Clergy Self-Assessment Inventory.
Download Faithfulness in the Clergy: A Call to Effectiveness, the working definition of clergy effectiveness adopted by the 2005 Texas Annual Conference.
- Congregational and Clergy Assessment by P/SPRC Committee
Paragraph 427.1 of The Book of Discipline, 2016 states in part:
Congregations – The district superintendent annually shall develop with the pastor and the committees on pastor-parish relations of all churches profiles that reflect the needs, characteristics, and opportunities for mission of the charge consistent with the Church’s statement of purpose. These profiles shall be reviewed annually and updated when appropriate.
Therefore, each Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committee is expected to have a significant conversation with each clergyperson appointed to their charge for purposes of improving the team ministry of the congregation and the clergyperson and enhancing clergy effectiveness throughout the Texas Annual Conference.
For clergy appointed to a local church, the inventories below must be completed and returned to the appropriate district office by November 1.
Download the current P/SPRC Congregational and Clergy Assessment Inventory
Clergy Appointed to an Extension Ministry:
For clergy appointed to an extension ministry, the report form below must be completed and copies distributed as indicated on the form by November 1.
Download the Appointment to an Extension Ministry Report Form