The VISION of the West District is that churches in the district will become growing and vibrant places of ministry, living out the Great Commandment to love one another and the Great Commission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The MISSION of the West district is to provide an interactive network that facilitates the making and sustaining of Christian disciples for the transformation of the world through nurture, outreach and witness.
The STRATEGIC PLAN is that at least 25% of the churches in the West District will be transformed and known as Radically Welcoming, Intentionally Witnessing, and Passionately Worshipping congregations, with an Extravagant World-View for missions.
Featured Resources
The West District of the United Methodist Church wishes to share resources and information from the Texas Annual Conference grants page. There are numerous resources available including the Texas Annual Conference Missions Endowment.
Here you can find information about Salary Sheet, Safe Sanctuary, Report Day, Candidacy Information, Texas Annual Conference Forms.
West District News
Around the District
WEST DISTRICT MISSION OPPORTUNITIES - We want to know about the events in the local churches and communities of the West District. If your church or community has a mission opportunity you would like to share with the district or if you have an idea for a mission opportunity, we want to know. Wouldn't it be great if we could use this space to share ideas with each other about how we serve in our communities in the West District. You can send your ideas to Maureen in the District office and don't forget to send pictures. Maureen's email address is .
If you have information on anniversaries, weddings, celebrations, birthdays etc. involving the clergy or churches of the West district feel free to send that information to the district at to be included in the next newsletter....The deadline for articles to be in the newsletter is on the 10th of every month....Get the most current news from the West District by subscribing to our newsletter. Our newsletter is sent on the 15th of every month. We would love love to share your events in the newsletter. If you want to submit something for the newsletter, please contact Maureen Shanks at
If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter, please click the link below
Campus Ministries
We have three vibrant and growing campus ministries in the West District.
SHSU Wesley Campus Ministry
The Wesley Campus Ministry @ Sam Houston State
Office: 936-295-5463
Follow us on Facebook
The Wesley Foundation at Prairie View A&M University,
Rev. Dwayne Thompson, Wesley Foundation Director,
Prarie View A & M University
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