Bishop Harvey has called us to reimagine, revive and renew our collective witness. The Innovation Grants offered through the Conference Leadership Team are an excellent way to experiment with loving our neighbor.
Learn more about the process and checkout stories from previous grant recipients below. If you missed the most recent Innovation Lab, the recording is now available along with tips on writing a grant and building a process of innovation. Let’s keep dreaming and exploring God’s promise of making all things new! -Bea Garza and Michael Jarboe (CLT Innovation co-chairs)Innovation Grant Recipient
Rev. Christy Hale
Innovation Grant Recipient
Rev. Soledad De La Cerda
Virtual Innovation Lab Recording
A complete grant request requires the completion of these five documents including all signatures. Once completed, please send to:
Or mail to: Texas Annual Conference, 5215 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002
Attention: Deborah Hawboldt.
The Cover Page should be the first form submitted, followed by the others when they are completed.
All forms must be received by the deadline: December 15, 2023.
Click on the links below to download forms and documents
Grant Application Cover Page
Fill out and submit the cover page with the appropriate signatures. This form includes the church or district applying for the grant, with basic information about the proposed project. Send this form to the email and you will receive a confirmation email when it is received. This form indicates to the CLT Innovation Sub-Team to expect the other forms soon.
Grant Application Project Overview and Timeline
Fill out all portions and answer all questions that apply to your project. Include a projected timeline for accomplishing the project. Incomplete forms WILL NOT be considered.
Grant Application Budget Request Form
Submit a proposed estimation of expenses and additional means of funding for the project. See “Grants will NOT be awarded for:” section below
District Grant Review Form
Submitted by the District with DS signature
Project Detail
Submit additional information and documents, videos, promotional ideas, and/or plans. Not required, but highly recommended for the CLT Innovation Sub-team to use in deciding on the awards and award dollars.
Additional Information about the Grant Process
Grants will NOT be awarded for:
Monetary incentives or travel costs for individuals. Costs for lodging or registration is eligible and support for group travel is eligible.
Costs for items which are already available through other congregation, district, or conference funding.
Requests should not exceed the stated dollar limit of $10,000. If the overall project costs are anticipated to be higher than the requested amount, you may include those costs and indicate what other funding has been received or is anticipated.
Please note, technology items and equipment are eligible for funding, but are funded ONLY when equipment is an integral piece of the project and contributes to increased ministry opportunities.
Incomplete applications WILL NOT be considered.
Requirements and Format Guidelines:
Approval of the District Superintendent is required on ALL applications as indicated by a signature on the Cover Page of the application as well as the District Grant Review page.
To ensure anonymity during the selection process, please refrain from including any names of the applicants, the name of the congregation, and or the names of the pastor/s of the application or any other information that may indicate which persons/congregations are applying, except on the Cover Page (The Cover Page will not be seen by Sub-Team).
Proofread your application to ensure that someone who does not know your project will understand it.
After Grants are awarded:
Representatives from funded ministry projects may be requested to provide a short presentation about project outcomes to the CLT Innovation Sub-Team, and/or the following year's Annual Conference.
A simple evaluation form will be sent to the Project team to assess the grant process and answer questions about the project’s progress.
It is assumed that project leaders will have secured necessary photo releases for all shared photos. TAC Communications may ask for interviews later also.