

Q: For some churches this will necessitate a shift from an “inward focus” to more of an “outward focus.” Is it difficult to make this fundamental change in ministry philosophy?



A: Yes, and I believe it is part of the reason our churches are struggling today. Part of what is killing us is our institutional mindset. We have to move beyond our institutional mindset to ask how can we be more effective in reaching people for the kingdom.





Q: What would you say to people who are resistant to these changes?



A: I think the answer is as individual as each church, but we have to help them work their way through that. I am available to come out and do workshops to help educate churches and give them solid strategies. I would encourage everyone to at least try it, to see what types of successes they are able to have. Nothing breeds success like success.


However, it does take courage to make these types of changes. I am eager to do all I can to give pastors the courage to say, “You know what, the gospel is too important for me to not do this.”





