
Petition 90052 is unconstitutional because it infringes upon the right of the Annual Conference to vote on all matters relating to the character and conference relations of its clergy members under ¶ 33 of the Constitution. Petition 90078 is unconstitutional because the creation of a Global Episcopacy Committee violates ¶¶ 49 and 50 of the Constitution.

Motion of Declatory Decision of Judicial Council

Yes 453 58.53 %

No 321 41.47 %


Chap Temple, Texas

“820 would leave 44 unaccounted for, so are we having visa difficulties with some of our delegates?”

“some people may be having tech issues.”

Lonnie Chafin N Illinois



I had never been to General Conference, as I was named to the Commission to the Way Forward I said I cannot do this work, with such a combination of persons, of people that can only lead to a colorful explosion. I will say there were moments of tension but we were able to work together in mutual respect and to grow in love for each other… it was because the Holy Spirt came. When we came together it was emotionally draining but something was happening … something in Christ something we discovered together …in a deep and personal way and I look back that the Holy Spirit had come upon us…the still small voice of love. Our pray is that the same thing will happen as we gather together today. Come Holy Spirit, come!

-David Field Europe Switzerland


Commission on a Way Forward

“We varied in age, background, we did not speak one common language, we were all over the page in our backgrounds, but our one common thing was our faith in Jesus Christ and our love of the United Methodist Church. While serving together, life did not stop for many of us. Some experienced death, life changes, political unrest, there were at least three times when we stopped to pray for those, one of us welcomed a new baby girl into the world. One of us was even elected Bishop. During all of those times we prayed and supported one another.

Alice Williams, Florida

Commission on a Way Forward


We were very aware that the world was watching and you all were watching. For the first few meetings we were intentional in getting to know one another to listen to each other’s stories and that served us well. Relationships and stories were important. The conversations became diff and we used our covenant and scripture to speak from the heart. We had moments of laughter and tears. We have laughed and cried together…we want to say thank you for trusting us with this task. God showed up over and over. Come Holy Spirit come

Jorge Acevedo, Florida


Commission on a Way Forward

I am betting most of us don’t have to think hard about a time when we have to think about a time when we were sitting at a keyboard with a blinking curser. Now take that feeling and add 31 other people, then add an entire world waiting to see your work. Two things helped us. 1. The vision and scope document. The language of this was challenging. It is difficult to imagine walking in new ways if you have no hope. But one thing we have in common is the belief we have in God

Scott Johnson, New York


Commission on a Way Forward

The charge we were given was not to pick winners or losers in the LGBT debate. We have to choose that we would not close our hearts daily it was also important to us to recommend options vs. one course of options rather than a competitive environment… With that great potential we worked hard on our work to max the witness in the world. This gives us the most hope to reach the most people as possible.

Rev. Donna Pritchard, Oregon


Commission on a Way Forward

The charge we were given was not to pick winners or losers in the LGBT debate. We have to choose that we would not close our hearts daily it was also important to us to recommend options vs. one course of options rather than a competitive environment… With that great potential we worked hard on our work to max the witness in the world. This gives us the most hope to reach the most people as possible.

Rev. Donna Pritchard, Oregon


Commission on a Way Forward

It was essential that there was a Biblical referencs – the mission is central to our identity as United Methodists. We each understood that God might be trying to teach us a new thing. We had to remain open for God to change our minds. One way we stayed open was that we worked on plans that we did not agree on.

Rev. Hellen Cunanan, Philippines

Commission on a Way Forward

The division on young people create a way to listen to young people in our world. It was new. It was bold. All these years later we are a stronger church because we are valuing younger people. The people called UM are envisioning people in a new way. Because anything that is not growing is dead! We have grown in an understanding in diversity in our church. The One Church Plan is an invitation to find new flexibility and innovative ways to find new forms of unity that gives conferences and churches and pastors the flexibility to reach their missional context. The One Church Plan holds at its core three essentials : generous unity, contextuality and the connectional nature of the church.

Jasmine Rose Smothers, Georgia


Commission on a Way Forward

Connectional Conference Plan is our way to dream about a way to dream it is a be change. We have a dream of a church that can reshape its structure – we have a dream of a church with diversity with LGBT inclusion. Yes, it can work but it requires all of us to dream together, to create a way of being a new church. We have to have a new form of unity with a shared hope (we have more in common that we think we do) Even though we do not all think alike, can we not all love alike? We just need space to do our ministry. This means there are no winners and no losers.

Mazvita Machimga, Africa Zimbabwe


Commission on a Way Forward

The growing chaos in The UMC has overtaken our lives. The Traditional Plan is an attempt to value unity in doctrine, consistency in practice, and mutual accountability. The Traditional Plan provides for annual conferences, local churches, bishops and clergy who cannot live within the Discipline to withdraw in a gracious way. We value unity in doctrine, consistency in practice and accountability. The plan holds that this is consistent within the church across the globe.

Jessica LaGrone, Texas Annual Conference


I am an openly gay clergy person. No matter what has happened to you, no one can take your place away from you in the church. Our work in the commission was heartbreaking. It was heartbreaking but it was also deeply spiritual. It was spiritual when you can connect with someone whom you seem to have irreconcilable differences. Which was true all the way through. We experienced the holiest of all divines. We said if there is anything I have done to cause you harm, I ask your forgiveness. We would hug and pray and there was love in our parting. And love remains with us today.


Brian Adkins, California


We are here today to find a solution. We are defined by the son of God, by Jesus Christ, by the promise that god is making all things new. We had 18 months to do our work, and it felt like nothing. IT helped us to pray and maintain our sense of urgency and now here we are. And the people called UM I say, slow down, and pray.


Alfiado Zunguza, Africa



10075 petition of COB consttion 90052 90078 ruling reads 90052 is unconstitutional bc

90078 unconstitutional violates paragraph 49



