Reaching out to make more disciples of Jesus Christ with technology (working headline)
Interview with Rev. David Dorn, Lead Pastor Contemporary Worship
1.Tell me a little bit about your background in technology and how you are using it in ministry?
2.The landscape has changed so much in 20 years, not just in ministry, but in tech and how we do “business.” 😊 Is technology a tool to reach people with the gospel or does it prevent us from sharing God’s word? How?
3.It’s funny, because when we think about technology in church, we often think about millennials, or Generation Z, using technology today. But that is not necessarily true, now everyone has a smart phone. How can the church use the smart phone to reach out to new members?
4.What other technology tools are available for churches to attract new members?
5.What is a QR code? (Here is a great blog for SM research)
6.Many churches today are using QR codes on social media to attract people to their church or to a specific event? What are the advantages and how can churches use them?
7.What about A basic website – this is the first place a potential member will come to see your church? What needs to be included on a basic website?
8.What about live stream? How can a small church set up a live stream? (Roku or FB live?)
9.Some 57 percent of Americans are using apps on a regular basis. How can the church leverage this to reach more people? And have the apps replaced the modern-day bullion board?
10.Do you think the technology trend will continue as our audience gets more tech savvy?
11.So, pastors have enough to do already…who is going to do all of this technology? What does this “job” look like? 😊
12.And of course, we have to remember what our purpose is as Christ followers, to reach people for Jesus Christ and to share the gospel. If we are just using technology for technology sake, it is all for not! So how do we balance the “techie fun” without forgetting our main purpose?