The scriptures are full of stories with great warriors. Today, we are reminded that even great warriors need a place of refuge, a place to be refreshed, and desire a loving response from God.

Great warriors also remain teachable.

It happens to all of us. We begin with great intentions. It seems we can manage everything entrusted to our care.

Yet, at some point in the journey, we come face-to-face with the reality that we are not perfect. That every circumstance is not ideal for us. And that there is still so much more for us to learn.

In today’s culture, it’s easy to argue that those realities are not readily accepted. After all, this is a culture searching for super heroes with the resounding theme song, “Just Do It!”

To simply conclude that the psalmist has grown weary of this enemies would be an understatement. He seemingly has no fight left. He opens his heart to God, while appealing to God’s faithfulness and righteousness.

For the psalmist, God is approachable, no matter what! For us, that is a good place to begin when we face difficult times. God is still approachable.

Although the works of this enemies and the toll of his struggles have undeniable affected him, the psalmists is no less familiar with the works of God. This should give us pause.

God’s ability is by no means diminished in light of our oppression, struggles or circumstances. The psalmist is pleading for help. Who better to ask?

The psalmist needs God to act on his behalf. And quickly!

As I write, the grass in our backyard is completely brown. The few isolated green patches that survived the summer months no longer exist. When I greet our neighbors, everyone’s story is the same. Our watering has proved to be insufficient. We were looking for rain clouds.

Yet, amidst this desperate pleading, the psalmist shifts his focus to God’s love. Ultimately, God’s love is the basis for his trust. God’s love will sustain him and manage his enemies. God’s love also renders him teachable and willing to follow the spirit’s leading.

Like the psalmist, our refuge and all that we need is grounded in God’s love.

Our struggles are temporal. Oppression will cease. We are restored.

Our outstretched hands are not only symbolic of our dependence on God, but an expression of gratitude as we also remember that the God we serve is faithful.

When we have no fight left, who better to ask?

Rev. Deborah Vaughn is Senior Pastor of Abiding Faith United Methodist Church in Houston, Texas. If you are ever in the area, Deborah would love for you to come worship with them.

Falling into the Psalms is brought to you by the Communications Department of the Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. To be considered as a future blogger, please contact Shannon W. Martin, Director of Communication at .