$4.8 Million UMCOR Grant Ensures Harvey Recovery Efforts Continue

By: Sherri Gragg


UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, has awarded the Texas Conference a

$4.8 million grant to fund Harvey disaster relief through October 2020.


UMCOR- A History of Service

UMCOR was founded by the Bishop Herbert Welch in 1940 in order to meet the needs of the displaced and suffering during World War II. As Bishop Welch stood before the General Conference that year, he challenged his fellow United Methodists to embrace the fledgling organization’s vision to become a “voice of conscience among Methodists to act in the relief of human suffering without distinction of race, color, or creed.” The Methodists readily answered the call. Today, almost 80 years later, UMCOR continues to come alongside United Methodists to empower them to be the hands and feet of Jesus in service across the globe.



UMCOR $4.8 Million Grant

In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, UMCOR awarded the Texas Conference a $1 million grant to fund initial recovery efforts through April of 2018. Upon the expiration of the initial grant, UMCOR has announced the $4.8 million grant to fund the Texas Conference through October of 2020.


The Rev. Scott Moore, Director for the Center of Missional Excellence, says the funds will be dispersed immediately to minister to the continued and overwhelming need. “We will continue working with case management, construction and volunteer coordination,” said Moore.


The Work Continues

To date, the Texas Conference has worked to restore 85 flood-damaged homes. The new UMCOR grant promises the work will continue. At last count, more than 260 volunteer teams are scheduled to help with the recovery effort between April and November of 2018. Moore anticipates the grant will fund the restoration of an additional 220 homes and continue to support the 24 disaster recovery personnel.


Churches interested in contributing to the effort, either through the contribution of volunteer hours or donations, are invited to sign up to serve at www.texasrecovers.org. Families who are still struggling with flood-damaged homes may also register for assistance at this site.


“There are still a lot of people who are not back in their homes after Hurricane Harvey,” says Bishop Scott J. Jones. “As God’s people, it is important that we roll up our sleeves and continue to do the hard work that is before us. Now, thanks to the generosity of UMCOR and the selfless compassion of United Methodists throughout the Conference, the good work of Harvey Recovers will continue.”
