2018 Texas Annual Conference Ministry Awards


The Rev. Vickie Simons welcomed attendees to the Texas Annual Conference Awards Banquet. The invocation, provided by Bishop Scott Jones, was followed by the sponsor’s welcome provided by Ron Jeannette, CEO of Methodist Retirement Communities. The awards are as follows:


100% Apportionment Districts Awards

Presented by Mrs. Peggy Miller


East District- Dr. Richard P. White, District Superintendent

West District- The Rev. Wanda J. Bess, District Superintendent



MRC Award

Presented by Ron Jeannette, CEO


Williams Memorial, Texarkana- The Rev. Brad Morgan, Senior Pastor



Eric Anderson Award

Presented by the Rev. Ann Spears, FUMC Houston


Athens FUMC- the Rev. Jason Smith, Senior Pastor



One Matters Discipleship Award

Presented by Dr. Jacqui King, General Board of Discipleship


The Story, Houston- the Rev. Eric Huffman, Senior Pastor



Global Ministries 2018 Advance Award

Presented by the Rev. Edgar Avitia


The Rev. Scott Moore, receiving on behalf of the Texas Annual Conference



Small Membership Church Award

Presented by the Rev. Cindy Doran


FUMC Somerville- The Rev. Vickie Simons, Pastor







Copeland Awards

Presented by the Rev. Vickie Simons


  Under 100 Average Attendance Worship Service

  Warren Chapel, Huntsville- the Rev. Jason Copes, Pastor



  101-200 Average Attendance Worship Service

  Houston Covenant of Faith- The Rev. Luthur G. Walker, Pastor



  201-300 Average Attendance Worship Service

  St. John’s Richmond- The Rev. Jeffrey Gantz, Pastor



  301-500 Average Attendance Worship Service

  League City Bay Harbour- Dr. Paul Clines, Pastor



  501-1000 Average Attendance Worship Service

  A&M College Station- The Rev. William Preston Greenwaldt, Pastor



  1001-2000 Average Attendance Worship Service

  St. John’s Houston- The Revs. Rudy and Juanita Rasmus, Pastors



  Over 2000 Average Attendance Worship Service

  The Woodlands United Methodist Church- The Rev. Dr. Edmund Robb, III


